Location Merkel the Edgesmith can be found at the following locations: Freya's Hovel Meadowwatch New Asagarth TeleportPlayer -72,690 -41,153 87 Loot Notable Loot none Full Loot List Absinthe Abyssal Violet Dye Advanced Blunted Weapon Fitting Advanced Reinforcement Kit This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. A Blacksmith (thrall) can be placed in the Thrall slot of the Blacksmith's Bench, Improved Blacksmith's Bench, Garrison Blacksmith's Bench, Campaign Blacksmith's Bench as well as Tinker's Bench and Casting Table. Bladesmiths provide maximum damage. Black Hand I've been looking for a T4 blacksmith with damage specialization (blade symbol) since the recent update but could only find armor penetration and durability specialized blacksmiths. Blacksmith P.S. Class As the title states, I'm looking for the best way to get T4 (named) Thralls. . Best Tempersmith Locations: Where to find Named Blacksmiths - Guide | Conan Exiles 2022. 56K views 3 years ago #conanexiles #Blacksmiths Tier 4 thralls have unique names. Head out into the world with your truncheon and bindings to find and knock out your first NPC. Valve Corporation. Erika the Reliable Trank the Metalwright is the blacksmith name. Armor penetration bonus scales with base armor penetration. Any artisan tableAny blacksmith's benchCasting TableTinker's Bench Race "A guide to the best Tempersmith locations in Conan Exiles. Yup, good taners arent easy to get nor, thats a fact. Oh and one more for Blacksmith (Bladesmith or Tempersmith, no Edgesmith). This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. This is out of date. JJDancer December 6, 2020, 3:12am #13. . Question: T4 blacksmith locations. General Discussion. I am sorry, I dont know but my guess is no thralls. Erika the Reliable can be found at the following locations: Conan Exiles Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sanofi pasteur flu vaccine lot numbers california stimulus check 2022 ssi recipients ps2 to ps4 pkg reddit Vulfeles the Hammer at aGarrison Blacksmith's Bench. Every type of blacksmith increases the weapon damage, the armor penetration, the durability of weapons and tools and decreases their weight. This one is also good for alchemist and berserkers: I would recommend hunting in the new lands because you get fragments + statues in the process as well. Conan Exiles. However, the T4 surges have unique names for their NPCs so I went by assuming that since they are only used to spawn in T4 surges (no other map locations), then they would follow the values set in the WeightedSpawnTableRow. You can check whether it is a fixed spot (only blacksmiths) or a shared spot (all crafters). Damage Reductionfrom Armor This is the best answer. I can tell you where I got mine from (of course, you will need to kill them over and over again until you get what you need but they exist): I can confirm that the above spots spawn all 3 types of T4 armorers and T4 blacksmiths but it took me about 200 kills of each camp (on 2 servers) to get a full set of T4 armorers/blacksmiths. For Siptah specifically, afaik, you cant really see how each camp (map location) is set up because the map is DLC (unavailable). ID: Heirs_to_the_North_Blacksmith_Durability,